5 Common Urinary Issues in Dogs that You Can’t Miss

Penned By: Dr Asmat Ullah Khan

Are you the one whose doggo is exhibiting unusual symptoms such as bloody urine or excessive urination? Something is afoot for sure. I do admit it’s a monkey on your back, as your fluffy companion is your ultimate love.

These symptoms are risky!  Your pup might be suffering from some common urinary issues in dogs that need to be fixed immediately, as you can’t subject your furball to prolonged pain. You must be wondering what those common urinary issues can be. If so, this ultimate guide has got you covered and has all the crucial details ranging from symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and cure.

Common Urinary Problems in Dogs

Five of the most common urinary problems in dogs are discussed below. Read on!

1.      Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Urinary tract infections are regarded as a common infectious illness in dogs. It is estimated that 14% of dogs are afflicted by UTIs in their lifetime. Female dogs are more susceptible to UTIs in comparison with the male ones. UTIs can be an isolated infection or they may be recurrent especially if your cuddly companion has underlying medical conditions.

UTI is an infectious disease adversely affecting any part of your dog’s urinary system. UTI is the adherence, persistence and multiplication of infectious entities in the urogenital system. Bacterial organisms are the causative agents in most of the cases.

Clinical signs of UTIs in dogs vary depending on multiple factors such as:

  •  Duration of infection
  •  Defense mechanism of your canine’s urinary system
  •  Number of uropathogen and virulence
  •  Site(s) of infection
  •  Underlying health conditions

However, common signs of UTIs in dogs include:

  • Pollakiuria (Frequent urinations with a small amount voided each time)
  • Hematuria (presence of blood in urine attributed to bleeding in your dog’s urinary system)
  • Stranguria (straining to urinate, painful & slow urination)
  • Overgrooming of the genitals
  • Foul-smelling urine

Diagnosis involves a thorough urinalysis involving collection of urine sample and its examination. UTIs are typically treated with antibiotics accompanied by pain medications & probiotics. For dogs having underlying conditions such as, kidney disease, diabetes in addition with UTIs, treatment focus on resolving underlying problem as well.

2.      Bladder Infections

Bladder infections are another common condition in dogs. Bladder infections can be the consequence of certain medications, bacteria, urine leaks, diabetes, or crystals. Symptoms include:

  •         Increased urination
  •         Blood in urine
  •         Reduced volume of urine
  •         Increased thirst
  •         Straining to urinate

If your furry friend is exhibiting above mentioned clinical signs, it’s high time you consult a reputable vet for a thorough examination. Your vet will likely suggest antibiotics and pain killers to mitigate the severity of the disease.

3.      Urinary Stones

They are a common condition paving the way for lower urinary tract diseases. Crystal formation and precipitation of certain minerals lead to the formation of urinary stones. Conditions that are generally responsible for stone formation are as under:

  • Dietary intake having copious amounts of proteins and minerals
  • High salt concentration in urine (bacterial infections of the urinary tract      can also cause a surge in salt concentrations)
  • Reduction of natural inhibitors in your pup’s body that prevent crystal formation
  • Presence of a pH that promotes salt crystallization
  • Retention of crystals and salts in the urinary tract for a certain time period

Signs alter depending on the location of the urinary stones. However, some general signs may include:

  • Urinating small volumes frequently
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Urinary Accidents
  • Blood in urine
  • Decreased appetite

Diagnosis involves a critical evaluation of your pup’s urine and blood. Diagnostic imaging tests for instance, X-rays, ultrasound may be performed. Treatment often requires surgical procedures as most of them don’t dissolve on their own. Laser lithotripsy is most commonly used invasive method these days.

4.      Lower Urinary Tract Issues

Your adorable pet may contract lower urinary tract issues like infections or diseases of prostate, urinary tract and urethra. They are generally caused by bladder inflammation, stones, stress, debris in urethra/bladder, trauma or cancer.

You can tell if your dog is suffering from lower urinary tract issues by looking at the following symptoms:

  • Cloudy/Bloody urine
  • Straining urination
  • Excessive urination
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy

A physical examination of your dog’s bladder and kidneys and urinalysis can help diagnose urinary tract problems. Afterwards, your vet will prescribe a treatment as per the symptoms ranging from antibiotics, dietary changes or surgical treatments.

5.      Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is defined as a condition when your furry friend involuntarily loses control over his bladder. Severity differs ranging from large amounts to small leaks of urine. Let me make it clear that urinary incontinence is significantly different from behavioral urinary problems.

Causes of urinary incontinence are as follow:

  • Weak bladder
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Prostate disorder
  • Diseases causing excessive intake of water, such as Cushing disease,     kidney issues, and diabetes
  • Urinary stones

Symptoms are listed below:

  • Dripping urine (resulting in redness & irritation on the skin)
  • Excessive licking of vulva or penis
  • Increased water intake

Diagnosis is based on physical examination, medical history, urine and blood tests. Treatment depends on your pup’s specific diagnosis and its underlying root cause. For instance, if it’s due to hormonal imbalance, your vet will  suggest hormone therapy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Dog Treats Cause Urinary Problems?

No, dog treats don’t cause urinary problems as such!

However, there are certain foods that alters the pH of your dog urine making them prone to developing urinary stones.

Can Male Dogs Get Urinary Infections?

Yes, male dogs can get urinary infection. Although, females are at higher risk and more likely to contract urinary infections.

Summing Up-Common Urinary Issues in Dogs

Common urinary issues in dogs for example UTIs, urinary stones, urinary incontinence and bladder infections require utmost care and timely treatments. These illnesses if not treated promptly with the right guidance from a reputable vet can risk your dog’s life.

I know your pup’s health is your top priority and you can’t compromise on it on any cost. If you want your cuddly companion to be the same energetic fellow with no urinary issues, always look for the above mentioned symptoms and if you spot some, contact your vet without wasting a second.

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Dr Asmat Ullah Khan

I am a veterinarian currently serving in Ottawa, Canada. Want to get in touch with me? Click on one of the icons below: