Top 7 Most Common Chihuahua Health Issues. Expert Insight

Penned By: Dr Asmat Ullah Khan

Chihuahuas have many health issues, but we are going to describe here the 7 most common. Chihuahuas are the smallest breed of dogs and are loved by many, because of their cute faces and size. They are extremely loyal to their owners and affectionate, which can significantly impact their lives. Many disease conditions can arise in them as they are more prone to health issues. However, they can still live longer.

Common Chihuahua Health Problems

Here are the top 7 health problems every Chihuahua owner should be aware of:

1. Luxating Patella in Chihuahua

It is a hereditary condition that mainly affects the kneecap. In this condition, Chihuahuas limp for several minutes at a time at the start, and the kneecap mostly comes to a normal position by itself.
While this condition is not typically painful, it can cause discomfort, especially during initial occurrences. A veterinarian plays a key role in diagnosing and grading the condition by palpating the patella. Their expertise can guide us on the severity and necessary treatment. It can be corrected surgically, but only if the veterinarian recommends a time for the surgery. In minor cases, monitoring is usually recommended.

2. Hypoglycemia in Chihuahua

Another condition in Chihuahua is hypoglycemia, which is low blood glucose in the blood. When it happens, the Chihuahua starts having weakness, dizziness, disorientation, and tiredness, and sometimes they lose consciousness. Therefore, if you feel your dog is dizzy and disoriented, it is recommended to go to the veterinary doctor to see whether the Chihuahua is having hypoglycemia. This condition can also be a symptom of an underlying liver or any other metabolic disease. Hypoglycemia can also occur if the Chihuahua does not eat or skip a meal because of its size; it cannot generate that much glucose in the body, which can cause hypoglycemia in those dogs. Also, seizures can occur in hypoglycemic patients, which can be life-threatening.

3. Tracheal Collapse

Collapsing trachea is one of the most common conditions in Chihuahua, and paralysis of the trachea happens. The trachea is the pipe that connects the mouth and nose with the lungs so the animal can breathe; however, with a collapsed trachea, these dogs cannot breathe well, and they can cause a honking cough, which is a typical sign of this condition, sometimes an animal can lose cautiously. Their gums are blue because oxygen is not carried into the lungs, which is a medical emergency that requires a veterinarian to observe and give the dog medical treatment. The prognosis of this condition is really great as the vets will recommend some cough suppressant or steroid so the dog can do well in respiration

4.Dental Disease

Dental disease is very common in almost all small breeds, and Chihuahua is one of them. They are more predisposed to this condition because their small mouths and teeth are not cleaned. It can cause buildup in the teeth, which can germinate a lot of bacterial growth and cause gum inflammation and gum recession. The gums’ teeth are also affected. Therefore, cleaning is recommended on a daily basis to avoid any dental calculus。 Some vets recommend using dental toys, which can prevent tartar, however, they can cause chipping and breaking breakage of teeth if your dog has bad breath and inflamed gums; if a veterinarian checkup is recommended veterinarian, may clean the teeth and remove the unhealthy teeth to any dental damage


Accumulation of spinal fluid in the brain causes a condition called hydrocephalus in Chihuahua. Seizures, poor coordination, and swollen heads are the common symptoms observed in dogs affected with this condition.There is no cure, but it is manageable with veterinary care

6.Spinal Injuries

    Spinal injuries are also very common in Chihuahua because of the accidents that happen due to their small size. Amongst spinal injuries, intervertebral disc disease is the top disease that Chihuahua can get in which dislocation of the vertebra occurs, which can cause severe pain and immobility in the patient pain, medication, exercise restriction, and physical therapy is recommended


    Due to their small size, many people do not understand how much they should feed a Chihuahua so that they overfeed and cause obesity. This obesity can cause joint problems, arthritis, metabolic conditions, and a short lifespan. To avoid any weight gain, it is necessary to use a diet that is healthier for the Chihuahua.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Q: How often should I take my Chihuahua to the vet? A: Regular check-ups every six months are recommended, but visit the vet immediately if you notice any health issues.

      Q: Can I prevent these health problems? A: While not all health problems can be prevented, maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, and routine vet visits can help manage and prevent many issues.

      Q: What should I do if my Chihuahua shows symptoms of a health issue? A: Contact your veterinarian immediately if you notice any unusual symptoms or behavior in your Chihuahua.

      Q: Are Chihuahuas generally healthy dogs? A: Yes, overall, Chihuahuas are healthy dogs with the longest lifespan among all breeds. Regular care and monitoring can help ensure a happy, healthy life for your pet.


      O’Neill, D. G., Packer, R. M., Lobb, M., Church, D. B., Brodbelt, D. C., & Pegram, C. (2020). Demography and commonly recorded clinical conditions of Chihuahuas under primary veterinary care in the UK in 2016. BMC veterinary research16, 1-14.

      O’Neil, J. (2007). Chihuahuas for Dummies. John Wiley & Sons.
      Photo of author

      Dr Asmat Ullah Khan

      I am a veterinarian currently serving in Ottawa, Canada. Want to get in touch with me? Click on one of the icons below: