Top 5 Health Problems For Dogs

Penned By: Dr Asmat Ullah Khan

Common Dog Health Problems
It is a good idea to know some common health problems so that you can treat them on time; however, do remember, if you have some doubts about your dog’s health, consult with your vet and schedule an appointment. The following are the major health problems that most of the dogs face:

Itchy skin and Ears

Ear problems are very common in almost every clinic, as dogs tend to develop bacterial and yeast infections in the ears. On occasion, dogs can damage their skin through their itchiness. Common causes are external parasites such as fleas, for which there is recommended spot-on or tablet medication. If this does not work, your dog may have hypersensitive skin.

Some breeds, especially those with long, hanging ears, have more of a tendency to have ear problems due to poor air circulation. It is essential to try and establish the cause of irritation; this could be new bedding, furniture, or cleaning products. Some dogs are also allergic to certain foodstuffs, so we will often recommend hypoallergenic diets and food trials. If all else fails, medications can be used to stop the itching and bring your dog back into comfort.

Vomiting and Diarrhea

Dogs also have a way of finding stuff they really shouldn’t eat, which usually results in vomiting and diarrhea. If your dog is standard other than having these symptoms, you can try withholding food for 24 hours (but don’t withhold water). If symptoms continue or your dog is acting very sick, you must see your veterinarian. Medication and sometimes further diagnostic exploration will be required. In some rare instances, foreign bodies such as stones have to be surgically removed from a dog’s stomach.

Injuries and Accidents

Dog injuries or accidents can be very emotionally distressing to dog owners. Fortunately, many of them can address serious injuries with modern veterinary medicine. Important to keep the wounds clean and the dog as comfortable as possible, and avoid feeding if sedation may be necessary for treatment. Fresh, uninfected wounds are much easier to treat, so prompt veterinary care is crucial.

Dental Issues

Dogs have powerful teeth made for chewing complex objects, but infections, breakages, or heavy tartar can occur, which is a cause of bad breath. Routine dental care is strongly recommended, especially for one’s older dog. A veterinarian will clean the teeth with special equipment while under anesthesia and check for any additional necessary dental work. This will guarantee that your dog can go on enjoying their toys, bones, and even your shoes!

Anything from around six years and above is usually considered senior for dogs of larger breeds, whereas those of smaller hardly show signs of aging until they are well into their teens. Average weight and regular exercise can keep your dog fit so that it does not get obese and lethargic. Yearly check-ups and blood tests can help to catch liver, kidney, or metabolic disorders in the early stages. Older dogs will often experience heart issues, as well as arthritis, which can easily be rectified with proper medication and supplements to provide many years of happiness to your pet.

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Dr Asmat Ullah Khan

I am a veterinarian currently serving in Ottawa, Canada. Want to get in touch with me? Click on one of the icons below:

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