Feline Bliss or Canine Joy Psychologist Resolves Owner Happiness

Penned By: Dr Asmat Ullah Khan

Study published in Frontiers in psychology suggested the association between higher self-esteem in dog owners as compared to cat owners

Pet plays a significant role in human lives by being part of the family and providing companionship. Both dogs and cat are loyal and sweet buddies, who provide life satisfaction and happiness through their social support. Multiple studies suggested the medical benefits of their social support in different diseases and sicknesses, such as immune system functioning, and cardiovascular and mental health. Mental health can be predicted based on self-esteem. Evidence points out the role of pet ownership in the pet owners’ happiness.

Psychologist provides good reasons to believe that dog owners are happier than cat owners. Here are a few of them

Social interaction and physical activity

Physical activity and exercise are good for the mental health and overall well-being of a person. Most dog owners interact with each other in the park in the evening or in the see each other in the morning walk. Having a dog provides more opportunities to meet new people while walking or having a pet training class outside the home. Meeting new people and making friends involves interaction with other owners as well.

On the other hand, cats are mostly confined in the house, and they might play mostly by themselves at home. People don’t take the cat for a walk in the park as they do with dogs. This type of behavior does not encourage exercise among the cat owners.

Personality traits among pet owners

Happiness and self are also higher among dog owners, as determined by another study. Psychologists found that dog owners are more open, easily agreeable and have strong emotional stability. They are diligent in their work and are extroverted and easily befriended. The cat owners are introverted and are less neurotic. 

Self-esteem and sex differences in pet owners

Researchers found that self-esteem was higher among pet owners compared to those who don’t own pets. This study also suggested that male individual who has high esteem tend to own a dog as compared to those who have low self-esteem. Conversely, a female owner who has low self-esteem will probably choose a cat.


The answer is not still clear, but the psychologist said that higher self-esteem is linked with dog ownership, while cat ownership is associated with low self-esteem and less happiness.

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Dr Asmat Ullah Khan

I am a veterinarian currently serving in Ottawa, Canada. Want to get in touch with me? Click on one of the icons below: