9 Most Common Foods For a Sick Dog

Penned By: Dr Asmat Ullah Khan

Generally, dogs have a good appetite and cope well even if sick, but sometimes they lose their appetite. At this time, it is best to switch to an alternative food that is suitable for their condition. Alternative food options have many advantages, such as it soothe digestion and lowering the pressure on the stomach. Also, the recovery from the sickness generally went well if eating the switched food

Common Foods for a Sick Dog

Boiled Chicken

It helps digest protein from the stomach and low-fat foods and increases the accessibility of essential nutrients from the digestive system without putting pressure on it. The method of boiling is easy and requires a few steps. Water is used to rinse the meat, and extra fat is removed. A water boil is carried out, and meat is inside the boiling water. Lower the temperature and keep it for 15–30 minutes. Remove the meat from the water and separate the bones from the meat.  Make small pieces of the meat and mix them with rice. It is essential for the tummy upset of dogs, which can help them recover from gastric issues.

White Rice

Boiled white rice is a great source of carbohydrates and nutrients, and dogs love eating it. Brown rice is found to be richer in nutrients, but blending makes white rice easier for the dog’s stomach to digest. White boiled rice provides the dog a great comfort and energy if mixed with boiled chicken or ground-boiled beef. It is suitable for vomiting and diarrhea and is also suggested in cases of pancreatitis.


Pumpkins are also an awesome source of fiber and vitamins and regulate digestion in the body. They can be used for gastric upsets such as diarrhea and constipation. They are generally added to chicken broth or water and can be provided to dogs. Two factors, fat content and lower calories, make it beneficial for dogs.

Sweet Potatoes

It is a rich source of beta carotene, dietary fibers, vitamins such as vitamin C, and minerals such as potassium and iron. This is why it is a nutrient-rich carbohydrate alternative. Not only does it improve digestion, but it can also improve the function of the cardiovascular and immune systems.

Plain Yogurt

White plane yogurt provides protein and calcium and is a great source of probiotics. It improves the health of the digestive and immune systems. Probiotics are generally recommended in cases of diarrhea because they provide useful bacteria for the gut. It is better not to add the sweetener to the yogurt.

Cooked Oatmeal

Cooked oatmeals are another good source of carbohydrates, fiber, and antioxidants, which reduce gut inflammation. They also provide the skin with linolenic acid, which is crucial for skin improvement. Mixing oatmeal with warm water provides comfort to the digestive system, and a tablespoon of honey can be added. However, adding an excess of oatmeal can cause gastric upset because of its high fiber content. Also, avoid using milk with oatmeal because some dogs have a hard time digesting the milk.

Lean Ground Beef

Another good source of protein with less fat. The process is simple and similar to boiling chicken, as we should boil the beef and grind it into hamburger. It helps in muscle regeneration in cases of tissue injury by providing the essential amino acids. It is suitable for the dog recovering from tissue injury and also for gastric upsets such as pancreatitis.

Cooked Eggs

It is a great source of fat and digestible protein, which supplies the nutrients for energy and recovery from sickness. You can prepare some scrambled eggs without adding any oil or butter. However, a small amount of cheese can be added to make it tastier.

Bone Broth

It is an excellent source of nutrients that can provide fluid to the body of a sick dog. It is great for a dehydrated dog, as it provides not only energy but also hydration to the body. It provides essential amino acids and gelatin to repair tissue injury and improve the healing of the digestive tract.


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Dr Asmat Ullah Khan

I am a veterinarian currently serving in Ottawa, Canada. Want to get in touch with me? Click on one of the icons below:

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